Short profile: | Our organization is dedicated to try solving environmental problems of Belarus.
Public association «Ecodom» is one of the largest environmental organization in Belarus, counting more than 100 members, was founded in 1996.
Ecodom Mission: Public association “ECODOM”, basing on the principles of democracy and sustainable development, together with fellow spirits creates harmonic relations inside and around itself, at home, in the country, in the world, in the Universe.
In 11 years “Ecodom” has realized tens of regional and local projects and programmes. “Ecodom” takes an active part in environmental decision making processes . Our organization is a part of the Council of Belarusian non-governmental organizations on sustainable development and is also a member of Public co-ordinating council in the Ministry of Nature.
“Ecodom” was the first in Belarus, having realized the project on Strategic Environmental assessment of the Sustainable Development Strategy for Belarus and widely involving public in discussing the National Strategy of the Sustainable Development of the Republic of Belarus until 2020.
"Ecodom” has a team of professional trainers, who have studied and practiced in Sweden, Poland and the United Kingdom. Now we make seminars for teachers, community representatives, state employees in all regions of Belarus. Those, who took part in our programmes, could make sure, that “Ecodom” proposes the latest approaches to education and unique authorial trainings.
We aim at consolidation and co-operation of Belarusian NGO's in issues, concerning formation of the enviromentall policy of our country, sustainable development of Belarus, status of specially protected areas.
Main areas of our work are:
Education for sustainable development – a modern practical oriented educational approach, based on innovative methods of teaching, considering any issues starting from three different dimensions - economical, ecological, and social. It is represented by authorial exclusive trainings in sustainable development, Swedish programme “EcoLogic!”, adopted for Belarusian conditions, and “Ecoteam” method on working with the population.
Aarhus Convention- training of teachers, state employees and community representatives on practical skills of using the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention) as the instrument for resolving ecological issues.
Permaculture – ecologically appropriate agricultural and construction methods; organization life of human settlements and single individuals in harmony with nature and according to its’ laws; energy-effective planning and universal design principles.
Attracting public attention to ecological problems – is realized via informational projects, publications in press, actions. Latest spectacular example of our activity in this direction is the participation in Anti-nuclear coalition.
Apart from that we offer:
• Development of “ecological agriculture". This is training representatives of organizations and private persons in ecological methods of farming homestead lands, ecological construction, waste management etc.
• Informational support and consulting community representatives, teachers and state employees in areas of sustainable development, environment protection, ecological law and ecological education.
«Our activity favours to raising public awareness in ecological matters via participation and experience of joint actions. We put an emphasis on effective educational programmes that are able not only to give information on existing ecological problems, but also to show constructive and positive ways of solving them. We promote ecologically reasonable way of life and ideas of sustainable development», — considers the organization leader Irina Sukhy.
Our Main Projects:
Building a strong Network of Environmental NGOs in Belarus
Promoting Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making
support by Danish Ministry for foreign affairs
Ecohome together with Foundation for realization of Ideas ( Belarus) in partnership with Danish Out door Council.
Ecodemia 3 (2007-2008)
Implementation of Ecoteam program in Belarus
Ecohome in partnership with Global Action Plan ( Sweden)
support by Forum Syd(SIDA Sweden)
Public hearings on environmental issues: from confrontation to compromise (Batory Fund – Poland)
Initiating of Antinuclear campaign
Looking for Harmony (education for sustainable development)
Organic Agriculture
"Promotion of the civic and social initiative and the democracy education in Belarus”. Ecohome with Association for Civic Education in partnership with Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (IIZ/DVV)
Support by Federal German government program for Belarus
Ecodemia 2
Adaptation Ecoteam program in Belarus (Education for sustainable development)
Ecohome in partnership with Global Action Plan ( Sweden)
support by Forum Syd (SIDA Sweden)
"Promotion of the civic and social initiative and the democracy education in Belarus”. Ecohome with Association for Civic Education in partnership with Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (IIZ/DVV)
Support by Federal German government program for Belarus
Ecodemia 1
Adaptation Ecoteam program in Belarus (Education for sustainable development)
Ecohome in partnership with Global Action Plan (Sweden)
support by Forum Syd(SIDA Sweden)
TACIS project “Environmental information, education and public awareness” ( implementation of Aarhus convention in Belarus)
Aarhus convention guide for civil society
Aarhus convention guide for officials
Aarhus convention trainers guide
Contact person: Mr. Ryhor Fiodarau
Tel: +375291357890