Short profile: | Millennium was created in April 2000, in Arad, a town with 180 000 inhabitants from the west of Romania. Our purpose is to promote youth interest on economic, social, politic, cultural, educational plan. In 2008 Millennium became the biggest EVS hosting organisation in Romania, creating network of small communities in Romania. In these communities EVS volunteers realise their goals within non-formal education.
Know and respect all the legal rights and obligations by youth, advocacy the youth in their relation with the central and local authorities.
Promote the democratic principles and combating the totalitarian system and extremist ideology
Promote the ecologist principle, environment protection and educate the young generation in nature protection spirit
Organize cultural-artistic spectacle, sportive contest and educational entertainment
Inform the young people about the educational, cultural, social opportunities
Promote a new inter-cultural dimension, and European dimension
- Youth exchanges in Europe, 30 youth exchanges in the last 4 years on the subjects like: youth leisure, environment protection, cultural heritage, freedom, xenophobia, theatre, natural disasters, dances and so on.
- EVS hosting and sending, training courses, local seminars, establishing regional networks
- Promoting European Values in Highschools from Arad county among more than 2500 teenagers;
TARGET GROUP/ MEMBERS Number of members: 40, number of volunteers: 50
Our members are students, pupils from a lot of areas especially with the age 18-25. We have clubs of: Human Rights, Dance, Theatre and Environment Protection.