Short profile: | Parafiada Association was established in 1992. It implements its objectives and tasks with reference to the tradition of the Piarist School. The association participates in the establishment of the upbringing-social system that permits children and youth to preserve their identity and simultaneously to integrate with the community at local, regional, national and international level. It is an umbrella organisation with seven branches in Poland. Throughout the year it implements sport and socio-cultural events which are organised in broad partnernship with non-governmental organisations, schools, amateur sport clubs, day rooms, upbringing-care centers, church, parishes, local governments, mass media or informal groups from Poland and from abroad. The objective of our activities is promotion of equal opportunities for all, tolerance, active and resposible citizenship and intercultural dialogue.
Target groups: children and youth age 7-30, in particular groups with fewer opportunities.
Activities: International Parafiada of Children and Youth at local, regional, national and international level. The programme constitutes the foundation for the yearly and multistage system of competition, which aims at popularising and diffusing the activities of stadium-theatre-temple triade in order to promote a versatile personal development of children and youth at all educational stages. The event has been organised since nineteen years and in its final stage hosts over 3500 participants from Poland and over 1000 participants from abroad. The programme Movement shapes mind, heart and body is a Polish initiative in the Calendar of the International Year of Sport and Phisical Education 2005. The project is implemented under the patronage of Polish Ministry of Education. Summer and winter camps with the programme based on sport, artistic and religious activities. The camps are open to the youth from all over the world. On the international level the Association has broad cooperation with the East (Beloruss, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova etc.), with the EU countries and is currently developing cooperation with other partner countries of the world. Youth exchanges: till now, the exchanges were organised mainly with Eastern Europe countries and with Slovak Republic. Trainings, workshops and symposiums: organised for youth leaders, teachers or volunteers in cooperation with foreign partners. The Parafiada Association activities and certificates are approved by the Polish Ministry of Education and Ministry of Sport.
Voluntary service is organised at local, regional and national level. In 2007 the association became sending and coordinating organisation for EVS projects in the framework of Youth in Action Programme (2007-PL-10). The Association implements its projects thanks to a wide cooperation wih volunteers at local and regional level. From 2009 the Association is going to become hosting organisation for EVS projects.