ORGNANIZATION DETAILS (viewed 971 times)


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Name:Kevin Marks
Short profile:We are a small vocational school in a small town in Bulgaria. Our school is the only vocational school in our county.
Our school offers four specialties. We prepare students to be automation experts, electricians, agricultural machine operators, and textile machine operators (tailors). Some students also study vehicle safety and how to properly drive a vehicle. They also study tractor safety and how to properly drive different sizes of tractors. They study the different parts of machines and how they work. They have practical experience in large factories with machinery. Different students have practical experience with installing electrical systems in the school. Other students are capable of working in all areas concerned with clothing. They also have experience making sheets and other bedding.

We have a club where students meet for once a week where they will receive training and other information. Here we will watch Videos, Role-play, Make Exercises, and Have experts who will come and do guest lectures. We will then create videos, brochures, and other posters that we will distribute to members in the community. We will also then go to the surrounding villages where we will distribute information and also give presentations about the dangers of HIV/AIDS and other sexually related diseases. Once the students are educated they will be the leaders in giving out information and speaking with other groups in the community about the dangers of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. The students will also put on plays for younger children and for adults in order to educate them about the dangers of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. We will also have a permanent room in our school where anyone from the community can come and take information and view videos about HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Included in this is also abstaining from drugs and alcohol and talking about the dangers in both of these. We will also talk about the dangers in drinking excessive alcohol and the effects it can have on you both physically and mentally. The students will also talk about these dangers when they go into the community. Finally, we will learn how to live a healthy lifestyle from eating healthy food to exercising. Once again the students will take this information that they learn and tell the members in the community what they have learned and how they can live a healthy lifestyle as well.

We Want to have mobility and work with other countries so our students have the ability to showcase their knowledge and learn what people in other countries are doing as well.



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  • Association of Youth Workers
    organisation / association
    Belarus, Minsk
  • Bilgehan Olgun
    organisation / association
    Turkey, İstanbul

    Projects (3 of 1530):

  • International cross cultural exchange
    India, Tamilnadu ,chennai
    from: 2016-1-1
    until: 2016-1-1
  • Volunteers for Refugees
    Turkey, Sanliurfa
    from: 2016-5-1
    until: 2016-2-28
  • European Youth Week - NGO Fair
    Bulgaria, Sofia
    from: 2016-1-1
    until: 2016-1-1



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