Short profile: | Mernet is a not-for-profit, independent, non-aligned and non-partisan regional organisation, specialising in news and information gathering, strategic research and training on environment, development, social justice and civil liberties in the Mediterranean countries.
Mernet is a member of: European Youth Foundation (EYF) of the Council of Europe; The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures; Euro-Mediterranean Youth Platform (EMYP); Brighton & Hove Community and Voluntary Sector Forum (CVSF); Wired Sussex; Sussex Voluntary and Community Sector Learning Consortium (SVCS-LC); Fundraising Standards Board (FRSB).
Our Patrons are: Prof. Kevin Boyle, Prof. Noam Chomsky, Julie Christie, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Prof Maria Cristina Ercolessi,
Moris Farhi MBE, Prof. Ivor Gaber, Hala Jaber, Caroline Lucas MEP, Gregory Palast, Danny Schechter, Mark Thomas, John Vidal, and Linda Wilkinson.
Our Advisors are: Salman Abbas (Lebanon), Martin Bright (UK), Mateja Demsic (Slovenia), Nicolas Faye (France), Rohan Jayasekera (UK), Sunder Katwala (UK), Sarah Lewis (UK), Jake Lynch (UK), David McDowall (UK), Annabel McGoldrick (UK), Dr Paul Pace (Malta), Miriam Pipolo (Italy), Spiros Psychas (Greece), Zafer T. Mohammad (Palestine), and Gary Younge (UK/US). |