Short profile: | Bilecik Youth Centre is located in Bilecik,our city is situated in the Marmara Region, the the city centre have nearly 45000 population and totaly 200000.The city have a good potential of youth and the goal of the organization is to create an open, participant, developing, inquisitorial society, and to help people get involved in various activities. The main purpose is development of life-skills and abilities of children, youth and students, vulnerable groups; promotion and support for their growth and integration in social processes with the activities. We have 6 full time staff, 3 active leaders,volunteer youths,trainers and 2171 active members,totaly 2280 members.General activities(some); Training and courses;the courses organising by the youth workers,leaders and expert teachers.(example ; by the volunteer youth workers to give adjunct maths and english lessons for the children who study at primary school , and by the expert teachers the music and mus. instrument like ; violin,guitar, reed flute and cultural instruments.
Art,theatre,painting,folk dance courses ,introduction meetings, outdoor, activities,campigns, information activities,sport activities(step, fitness ).Youth exchanges (national and international ),evs projects.