Short profile: | Charter of the Bearusian Party of Greens
Accepted at the Constitutive Congress of Belarusian party “Greens World” April 17, 1994
Accepted in new redaction at the Central Council of Belarusian party “Greens World” January 12, 1995
Accepted in new redaction at the VI congress of Belarusian party “Greens World”
renamed at the VI Congress into the Belarusian “Greens” Party May 22, 1995
Charter Of the Belarusian “Greens” Party
Re-registered by the Re-registration certificate 0015
Belarus Ministry of Justice September 30, 1999
1.General Provisions.
1.1 The Belarus “Greens” Party (referred to as BP “Greens”, “the Greens”) is a social and political association of the citizens of Belarus Republic, who share common political, social and ecological views, in word and deed supporting the development of Belarus as a state of free people that is able to secure the right of its citizens for health, longevity and full value life in socially and ecologically healthy environment.
1.2 BP “Greens” is a parliament-type party operating in compliance with the principles of democracy, self-government, law, publicity on the whole territory of Belarus according to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, Decree of President of Belarus “Regarding certain measures of regulation of the political parties operation, trade unions and other social associations” dated 26.01.99, number 2, the Law of the Belarus Republic “About the Political Parties “, other laws of Republic of Belarus and current Charter.
1.3 BP “Greens” unites and coordinates the activities of party members, its initial organizations, regional and district organizations. BP “Greens” provides for revelation and expression of the citizens’ political will. The activities of BP “Greens” are based on interoperation with state power and government bodies, enterprises, social associations, cooperatives and scientific institutions, as well as cooperation with state and international ecological organizations.
2. Goals, tasks and methods of activities.
2.1 Main objectives of Byelorussian “Greens” Party are:
Creation of healthy life environment for a human, with its social and natural parameters to provide maximum possibilities for his development.
Development of spirituality, high moral attitude to everything alive, formation and spreading of ecological style of thinking, in all spheres of life of people, including the political sphere.
Peace between nations and states, prohibition and perspective extermination of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as the most destructive types of general weapons.
2.2 The tasks of Byelorussian “Greens” Party are:
Development of a set of laws regarding natural environment, to regulate all aspects of interaction between the human, society and the nature.
Securing of effective right to obtain full and true ecological information from state and social bodies.
Introduction in all spheres of industry, agriculture, transport, power engineering of only ecologically clean, energy-saving and safe technologies.
Creation of effective system of ecological education, starting from childhood.
Creation of conditions that support healthy life style, strengthening of family, elimination of narcotic addition, alcoholism and smoking.
2.3 Main directions and methods of operation of the Byelorussian “Greens” Party are:
Educational work, popularization and organizational work.
Work on creation of elementary organizations, regional branches, district organizations on the whole territory of Belarus.
Founding of mass media and execution of informational activities according to the legislation in power.
Carrying of technological expertise, creation of banks of data regarding the condition of surrounding environment.
In cases and in order provided by the legislation, participation of forming of representative bodies , local control and government bodies, participation in elaboration of decisions of national scope.
Organization of commissions, foundations, councils, groups by interest, camps and schools aimed at ecological education and carrying of certain actions.
Cooperation with other ecological and peacemaking organizations of Belarus, other countries, and assistance to these organizations in their activity.
Cooperation with peacemaking and humanitarian organizations in Europe and the world in sphere of rehabilitation of Byelorussian children who suffered from the Chornobil catastrophe.
Participation in world and European ecological and peacemaking activities.
In the order provided by the legislation, carrying of economical activity to organize festivals, celebrations, exhibitions, lectures and other social and political activities, as well as for sale of social and political literature, informational and agitation materials and goods with the party’s symbols.
3. Legal status.
3.1 BP “Greens” possesses the right of a legal entity from the moment of its registration, possesses severalty, has its balance, settlement account and other accounts in banking establishments of Belarus Republic.
3.2 BP “Greens” possesses its own seal, stamps, blanks, emblem, flag, and other necessary symbols with its name, registered in order provided by the law.
3.3 Regional branches, district organizations are provided with the right of legal entities. In certain cases, by decision of the Central Council, the right of a legal entity may be provided to an elementary organization.
3.4 According to the legislation in power, BP “Greens” has the right to obtain and alienate sui juris interests and private non-property rights and carry responsibilities, act as plaintiff and respondent in court.
3.5 BP “Greens” takes all liabilities for all property it possesses, that might be, according to the laws of Republic of Belarus, subject to imposed penalty. The state, its bodies and organizations are not responsible for the party’s liabilities, as well as the party is not responsible for liabilities of the state, its bodies and organizations.
3.6 BP “Greens” has the right to initiate legal action to stop ecologically harmful activities, damaging health or property of people, surrounding natural environment, according to the legislation in power.
3.7 BP “Greens” is not responsible for liabilities of its members, as well as members of the party are not responsible for its liabilities.
3.8 The location of the governing body of Byelorussian “Greens” Party :
246023, Homel, Brestskaya str, 6. tel. 47-96-96
4. Property and funds
4.1 Property and funds of BP “Greens” are possessions of the whole party and cannot be redistributed between its members.
4.2 Funds of BP “Greens” are created owing to:
Optional contribution of members of the party.
Donations and gifts of natural persons and legal entities of Republic of Belarus.
Income from carrying out of mass cultural, charity and other activities.
Income from property, publishing activities, distribution of printed materials, use of other mass media.
4.3 BP “Greens” can have in its property buildings, constructions, enterprises, cash assets, equipment, inventory, transport and communication means.
4.4 The property and funds of BP “Greens” are used to carry out environmental, informational, scientific , cultural and other tasks according to the Statute.
4.5 BP “Greens” can hire permanent employees to provide organizational , financial and technical activities in accordance with organizational structure.
4.6 Elementary organizations, regional branches, district organizations are independent in managing their funds, and solution of economical issues. The budgets of party organizations and reports of their usage should be approved by sessions of corresponding governing bodies of these organizations.
Operational management (possession, usage, disposal) of property of party organization is conducted by elected bodies of these organizations.
4.7 Interaction between BP “Greens” and financial control and tax administration bodies is conducted in accordance with the legislation in power.
5. Members of the party, their rights and duties.
5.1 Any citizen of Republic of Belarus who has reached 18 years of age, and admits and follows the Statute and the Program of BP “Greens” may become a member of the party.
5.2 Any member of BP “Greens” can be member of other social associations, participate in social movements, if their principles do not conflict with the Statute of the party.
5.3 Members of BP “Greens” are enrolled basing on written application by elementary organization, or governing body of regional branch, or, in case of absence of fore-mentioned bodies, by higher elected body with registration in one of regional branches. A member can be expulsed from BP “Greens” due to breach of the Statute, or by his own application by a governing body of regional branch, in which he is registered. Account of number of members of the party is conducted by the executive committee of BP “Greens”.
5.4 Member of BP “Greens” receives a membership card.
5.5 Members of BP “Greens” have the right to:
To elect and be elected to all bodies of BP “Greens”.
Participate in actions held by BP “Greens”.
Receive all information regarding activities of BP “Greens” and any of its members.
Address all bodies of BP “Greens” with applications, propositions, criticism, receive reply to their applications.
Receive help and support from BP “Greens” in case of breach of their constitutional rights, infringement of their honor and dignity.
5.6 Members of BP “Greens” are obliged to:
Follow this Statute.
Be a personal example to support the principles of cautious attitude to the nature, directly participate in improvement of ecological situation at their place of work, study, or living.
Fulfill their commitments to the party, following major decisions of BP “Greens”, as well as recommendations of elected bodies of the party.
Be registered in one of the regional branches.
5.7 Member of the party, in case of being elected as a deputy of any level, should follow program and election documents of BP “Greens” , if they do not conflict with the legislation in power.
6. Organizational structure and elected bodies.
6.1 BP “Greens” is organized by the territory principle.
6.2 The superior body of the BP “Greens” is the Congress , convoked by the Central Council (hereinafter referred to as CC) once in four years. At the initiative of CC, the Commission of Control and Audit or one third of regional branches or district organizations of BP “Greens”, representing not fewer than one third of the members of the party, a special Congress may be convoked. If necessary, an Institutional Committee may be set up to conduct the Congress. The terms of the convocation of the Congress, its agenda, norm of representation, the order of election of delegates are determined by the CC and announced not later than in two months’ time before the Congress, and not later than in a month’s time in case of special Congress.
The Congress may consider any issues connected with activity of BP “Greens”.
6.3 The Congress:
Defines major directions of activity of BP “Greens”.
Accepts the Statute and program documents of BP “Greens” and makes modifications and addenda to these documents.
Elects Chairman of BP “Greens”, first deputy chairman, two deputy chairmen, the CC.
Elects the Commission of Control and Audit.
Considers the reports of CC and the Commission of Control and Audit.
Approves decisions of reorganization of the party (merge, joining or splitting).
Term of privileges for the elected bodies – four years.
6.4 The Congress is authorized to make decisions if more than half of elected delegates are present, and they represent more than half of members of the party.
6.5 The Statute, program documents, addenda and modifications to them, and the decision of elimination of the party are considered accepted if they have been voted for by more than 2/3 of elected delegates of the Congress. Any other decisions are accepted by simple majority of present delegates of the Congress.
6.6 The Central Council is the supreme governing body of BP “Greens”, and in period between Congresses solves issues regarding the operation of the party.
CC is formed according to the principle of territorial representation. Members of CC are elected by the Congress at the suggestion of the Chairman of BP “Greens” , considering recommendations of district organizations and regional branches. Chairman of BP “Greens”, first deputy chairmen, deputy chairmen, the head of Executive Committee become members of the CC ex officio.
6.7 The Central Council:
Organizes implementation of decisions of the Congress of the party.
Considers issues of social, political , financial, economical, scientific and other kinds of activity and makes decisions on them.
Speaks on behalf of the party.
Approves samples of the seal, stamps, emblem and other attributes of the party.
Approves documents to regulate internal operation of the party: registration card, provision for regional branches, district organizations, etc.
Considers issues regarding cooperation with social and political organizations, regarding participation in political blocks.
Nominates candidates for deputies of supreme representative bodies of Republic of Belarus according to the legislation, supports the candidates during the election campaign.
Convokes the Congress of the party.
Considers and approves the budget of BP “Greens”.
Establishes and liquidates mass media of BP “Greens”, approves their statutes and appoints heads of these mass media.
Provides legal and social protection for members of BP “Greens”.
Approves members of the Executive Committee
Considers any other issues that are not exclusively competence of the Congress.
6.8 The CC approves decisions with majority of votes from total number of members of CC. In case of equal number of votes the Chairman of BP “Greens” has the decisive voice. Sessions of СС should be held as necessary, but not less than once in half of a year.
6.9 The Chairman of BP “Greens” has all the rights of a head of a legal entity, including:
Represents BP “Greens” in relations with state and social organizations of Republic of Belarus, other states and international organizations.
Pursues the policy of BP “Greens”.
Convokes and holds sessions of the CC.
Signs financial documents, opens account in banking establishments of Republic of Belarus.
Forms the council of experts and consultants regarding the operational issues of BP “Greens”.
Has the right to delegate part of rights and privileges of the Chairman of the legal entity to a representative of the Executive Committee.
6.10 The first deputy chairman and the deputy chairmen conduct their work and are given privileges according to duties assigned to them by the decision of CC.
6.11 In case the Chairman of BP “Greens” is unable to conduct his duties they are assigned to members of CC in the following order: first deputy chairman, deputy chairman, CC member (by a decision of CC).
6.12 The Executive Committee of BP “Greens” is the continuing executive body of the party, that coordinates operation of the party between sessions of the CC. Members of the Executive Committee are solely members of the party.
6.13 The quantitative and personal structure of the Executive Committee, its head and members are approved by CC. Members of CC may be members of the Executive Committee as well.
6.14 The Executive Committee of BP “Greens” :
Organizes the work of CC.
Considers issues regarding activity of BP “Greens”, assigned to it by the Congress, CC and all other questions that are not exclusively competence of the Congress, CC or the Chairman of BP “Greens”.
Conducts the work for creation and expanding of regional branches and elementary organizations.
Conducts financial and economical operations according to the Statute and the legislation in power.
Conducts the registration of total quantity of members of BP “Greens”.
6.15 Head of the Executive Committee is the executive officer of BP “Greens”, has the right to represent BP “Greens” without power of attorney in relations with any natural persons and legal entities.
6.16 Head of the Executive Committee signs documents on behalf of BP “Greens” and presides the sessions of the Executive Committee.
6.17 For the period of absence of the head of Executive Committee his privileges may be assigned to one of members of the Executive Committee by decision of CC.
6.18 The party is based on the elementary organizations, which may be created by members of BP “Greens” (not less than three members).
6.19 In case of presence of two and more elementary organizations in a district (city, district of a city), a regional branch is formed. In case of presence in a city with a regional administrative division of two and more district regional branches, a city regional branch is formed. Created regional branches are approved at the session of CC based on the protocol of constitutive meeting (conference) and the list of members of the regional branch. The operation of regional branches spreads over the whole territory of corresponding administrative and territorial unit.
6.20 In case of presence in a district of Belorussia or the city of Minsk of two and more regional branches, a district organization (Minsk City organization) is formed, which is registered by the CC based on the protocol of the constitutive conference.
6.21 Main directions of activity of regional branches and district organizations should correspond to the goals and tasks of BP “Greens” , as published in program documents and the Statute of BP “Greens” , considering local conditions and interests of majority of members of the party that live in corresponding region.
6.22 The supreme body of an elementary organization is the common meeting, where more than half of members of the party in this organization should be present. The meetings are held upon necessity.
6.23 The supreme body of a regional branch is the common meeting, and in case of total number of members of a regional branch exceeding 30 – meeting of representatives of elementary organizations (conference). The meeting (conference) is convoked not less than once in four years, and is considered competent if more than half of members of a regional branch is represented at it.
6.24 The supreme body of a district (Minsk city) organization is the Conference, which is held not less than once in four years. The conference is considered competent if more than half of elected delegates participate in it, and more than half of members of party in a district (Minsk) are represented.
6.25 The supreme bodies of organizational structures of the party:
Define main directions of activity, forms and methods of work.
Define structure if elected bodies and carry out the election.
In bounds of its competence approve documents that regulate the work of regional branches and district organizations.
Elect delegates to the Congress of BP “Greens” in order defined by the CC.
Recommend their representatives to the elected bodies of BP “Greens” of all levels and send representatives to participate in the activities of the party.
Approve decision of termination of its function.
6.26 Governing bodies of regional branches and district organizations nominate candidates for deputies of local administrative bodies of corresponding level and provide support for them during the election campaign.
7. The Commission of Control and Audit.
7.1 The Commission of Control and Audit controls he financial and economical activities of the party, compliance of members of the party, elementary organizations, regional branches, district organizations, Executive Committee, CC to the Statute of BP “Greens”.
7.2 Audits income and expenses of cash and material resources by governing bodies of BP “Greens”.
7.3 Conducts control over elections.
7.4 Considers applications of members expelled from the party.
7.5 The Commission of Control and Audit carries its sessions not less than once in half of a year.
7.6 Members of the Commission of Control and Audit elect the Head and Secretary among them.
7.7 The requirements of the Commission of Control and Audit are obligatory for all members of the party, elected bodies, enterprises and self-financing organizations founded by BP “Greens”.
7.8 Members of the Commission of Control and Audit cannot be elected in other elected bodies, and occupy posts of directors and main specialists in self-financing structures.
7.9 All decisions of supreme and elected bodies are drawn in the form of protocol.
8. Liquidation of BP “Greens”
8.1 BP “Greens” can be liquidated according to the corresponding decision of the congress (accepted by 2/3 of votes of elected delegates) or according to a court judgment.
8.2 The congress, in case of a decision of liquidation, forms the Liquidation Commission and defines order and terms of liquidation of the party. Property and funds remaining after settlement of payments to the budget, banks and other creditors, is directed for goals provided by this Statute.
8.3 Record keeping of the party is conducted in set order according to the legislation in power, materials regarding personnel are handed over to the office of State Archive at the location of the legal address. |