Short profile: | The Digital Future of Social Promotion Association ( registered in the Transparency Register held at the European Commission at No. 481940312180-28 ) , established in February 2013 , is a non -profit organization , was founded on the ideals of the project Policoro Italian Episcopal Conference to bring ideas and innovation, not only in Southern Italy , where the headquarters of the association , but throughout Italy and Europe. This is possible thanks to the activities of members who do not pose either sectoral or territorial limits . The link with the Policoro Project lies in the principle of realizing a " something " , an opportunity for social and cultural growth and technological " network."
The Association is engaged in designing and social European Union , in the design and delivery of services for people at risk of marginalization of young people in difficulty , with the support of technology also in order to reduce the digital divide, the dynamics of education , training, labor market and youth policies at the European level , for the start of concrete actions that create engagement necessary, and unfortunately still missing , including training and job opportunities. In fact, Digital Future is accredited as a venue for the period of Internship in agreement with the Department of Business and Law , University of Calabria ; SOLVIT promotes the European Commission.
The mission of the Association is to create a network for the exchange of information and best practices in guidance, training , local development , the promotion of European citizenship , national and European youth policy , culture and intercultural , European integration and the digital divide, the cooperation between the countries of the Mediterranean.
A young presence in Calabria, the Association, inspired by the union local development - social inclusion inserted in a European context , with the understanding that the full integration of people into the social fabric is prerequisite for the development of the territory. Shunning an intervention model purely welfare approach , Future Digital promotes the participation of carriers needs inclusive , considering not passive users of the services provided , but the creators and protagonists of their detachment from the context of marginalization . Purpose that is pursued by directly involving the recipients of the shares in the activities of the Association .
The main aim of the Association was to establish partnerships at both national and European level . Indeed, it has signed Memoranda of Understanding with more than 60 associations, companies , foundations , universities and public bodies. They cite , in particular, the protocol signed with the CEILING - Service Orientation and Training Needs of the Province of Cosenza, with the Foundation Paul of Tarsus and Eurokom -EUROPE DIRECT Calabria region. The Association is also credited on many platforms such as ERIFO , Euro -Net , EILD , Aleteia , Citizens for Europe , European Centre for Civil Resources .
The Association Digital Future uses of professionals specialized in the field of youth policy and in particular the issues related to youth unemployment and therefore social inclusion. In addition , the Association , being Gesture Concrete Project Policoro , uses the network of the Project that in just 10 years has promoted the creation of more than 500 companies. The staff of " Digital Future " is composed of experts in new technologies and in the field of entrepreneurship.