PROJECT DETAILS (viewed 1463 times)

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Project title:Youth of the Balkans- summer tour
Main theme for the project:Social inclusion
Project type:Support for Activities to Bring About Better Knowledge of the Youth Field
Place:Bulgaria- Macedonia- Kosovo- Serbia- Bosnia
The project starts:2011-8-1
The project ends:2011-9-1
Deadline for applications:2011-6-30
Group age (average):Not specified
Summary of the project:Hello :)
Students\' society for charity and volunteering of Sofia, Bulgaria is planning and preparing a balkan tour, aiming to promote the youth activism and volunteering as a good way to create a positive change in your society and environment, achieve self-esteem, better understanding of other cultures and nations, being aware of your stereotypes.

We dont have time to candidate with this project for a funding from the \"Youth in Action\" programme, but we are anyway very motivated to do it.

That\'s why we need your help.

Let me explain a little bit more about the idea of the project:
We will have 5 or 6 balkan countries, which we will visit during the tour. In each capital (and may be one more major city) we will make an exibition on the project\'s theme \"Youth on the Balkans\", showing pictures from all over the Balkans.
Also we will make an exposition of all balkan countries which NGO sector supports us, so that we can provide the local people with more knowledge about the different countries and their cultures, to destroy the stereotypes about balkan people and youngsters as primitive or rigid and to sow curiosity about getting to know more about other cultures, nations, history.
We will have also a street art performance so that the local people can draw how they see the balkans (what should other people know about us, what are we proud of, etc.)

To be able to realise the project we need your help for:
- the Exhibition of photographs:
We are collecting pictures showing good practices (performances, actions, projects, anything else you consider) for youth activism and/or volunteering, showing diversity, social inclusion, some kind of a positive change in the community (of a Balkan country).
Your profit will be to take place among the best Balkan NGO organizations, we will upload all pictures on a special web page, where you would be able to see all chosen to participate in the exhibition pictures, this can also help for partner networking and sharing expirience. Each organization can submit no more than 5 pictures. Please give a short description of each organization and description of your own organization too. Please, send your pictures to this e-mail:

-Balkan tour:
We are collecting all kind of materials that you would like to send us so that we can arrange tables with informational leaflets, brochures and much more things to present each country. We will arrange tables only for those countries who send us matherials.
This is a good way to promote your country and organization among other partners.

You are invited to send us:
All kinds of leaflets, brochures and others you have which present your country, cities, traditions, etc.
Materials for your organization; your activities, your projects
Post cards, marks, some small coins
Pictures of your most famous celebrities, cities, history places/ monuments/ personalities, folklore costumes, dances
Pictures of your traditional dishes
Songs (if we are able we will switch them)
An easy quiz about your country
Anything else to make your table look interesting, exciting and informational!
Please, write us on the e-mail (, so that we can send you the adress on which you should post your matherials!

Your organization can achieve a lot, taking part in a project like this. The organizations which help us for this project will have priority in all future Youth in Action projects we will submit.

Help us prove that money dont matter when we are motivated, enthusiastic and most importantly: TOGETHER!

Check us on FACEBOOK:
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    Organisations (3 of 4304):

  • Bojana Nikolic
    organisation / association
    Serbia, Belgrade
  • Association of Youth Workers
    organisation / association
    Belarus, Minsk
  • Bilgehan Olgun
    organisation / association
    Turkey, İstanbul

    Projects (3 of 1530):

  • International cross cultural exchange
    India, Tamilnadu ,chennai
    from: 2016-1-1
    until: 2016-1-1
  • Volunteers for Refugees
    Turkey, Sanliurfa
    from: 2016-5-1
    until: 2016-2-28
  • European Youth Week - NGO Fair
    Bulgaria, Sofia
    from: 2016-1-1
    until: 2016-1-1



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    Most Active Organisation

  • just4YOUth
    organisation / association
    Turkey, AYDIN