PROJECT DETAILS (viewed 1447 times)

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Project title:Give Youth a Chance 3
Organisation:Student-Youth Council
Main theme for the project:European awareness
Project type:European Voluntary Service
The project starts:2014-11-30
The project ends:2015-8-30
Deadline for applications:2014-11-25
Group age (average):Not specified
Summary of the project:Projekt „Give Youth a Chance 3” jest kontynuacją projektu, który realizowaliśmy wspólnie od września 2013 do czerwca 2014 z tą samą organizacją partnerską. Projekt odbędzie się w Ozurgeti w regionie Guria, w Gruzji. W tym okresie, trójka wolontariuszy z Polski będzie starał się pomóc w tworzeniu mechanizmów uczestnictwa obywateli w podejmowaniu decyzji rządowych. Wolontariusze, razem z młodzieżą i studentami z lokalnych szkół i uczelni, organizować będą szkolenia na temat praw i podejmowania decyzji politycznych w zakresie prawa miejscowego, zorganizują kilka otwartych debat na tematy ważne dla lokalnej młodzieży, takie jak edukacja, praca, kultura i sport. Ponadto, będą oni także będą brali udział w klubie praw człowieka, który skupia się na polityce i ważnych globalnych problemach w zakresie praw człowieka. Pracować będą także w EuroClubs jako nauczycieli języka angielskiego.
Special considerations:PROJECT DESCRIPTION
This service is a dimension through a clear definition of the non-profit making character and the volunteers` tasks. Full time service and active role of the volunteers in implementing the activities have to be ensured. EVS volunteers must not substitute any employment. Volunteers will have the possibility to choose the way they want to realize activities foreseen by the project.

All from the activities will take place in Western part of Georgia, Guria region, Ozurgeti Municipality and its nearby rural areas as well, where the hosting organisation conducts its work and will last during 9 months.

The schedule for the volunteers will be quite flexible, but still working hours for 5 days week, 6 hours day, including lunch (total 30 hours in the week, included language courses)the volunteers will get two days off in the week (weekend). Example of weekly plan is in attachment.

One of the most important tasks of the hosting organisation is to inform and to educate young people about their opportunities to participate in different programmes and activities, as well to help them to realize themselves as part of Europe. Volunteers will participate in creating and developing The Youth Parliament of Ozurgeti which will be an educational project designed especially for young people of Ozurgeti. The Youth Parliament of Ozurgeti will function as a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas between young people. The main aims of The Youth Parliament will be to: raise awareness of local issues among young people, promote and build civil society, promote democratic values and contribute to the personal skills development. The Youth Parliament will also encourage young people to implement their initiatives and will help them learning of social and professional skills. Young people will also learn about the workings of democracy. The volunteers will also have a chance have experience in nongovernmental field, using non-formal education’s methods, participating in organization’s everyday work and arranged activities and developing their own ideas. In the field of education and European values, an important role will be given to the study of human rights. Volunteers will organize regular meetings with young people and will teach them about human rights and their importance in modern world. Volunteers will prepare meetings, presentations and lectures about human rights and topics for discussion. They will be hosts of meetings and moderators of discussions. Another possibility for the volunteers is to participate in work with the EuroClub that is the meeting place for Georgian Public schools‘students, interested in themes concerning European Union. Volunteers will help to educate and involve them by informing about different programmes and possibilities to realize their projects, as well as discussing about different cultures and European values and preparing presentations and trainings about topics concerning Europe. They will: creating blogs; communicating with local press (disseminating the information about EuroClub); take part in activities: artistic performances, sport games, concerts, ecological events, exhibitions, promotion of Guria region.

The devisions of the activities for the volunteers carry out within the organisation are divided into:
50% of activities at the SYC- office work, helping in the preparation of workshops dedicated to different youth topics and European integration, preparing materials and searching for some possibilities of youth collaboration on international level; helping for preparing the events related European countries, preparing some local seminars and promote Erasmus+; non-formal education, presentations, planning personal activities in SYC;
20%- carry out activities in SYC- organize EuroClub meetings, carry out English Language club for local children and adults; presentations about Poland, its culture, traditions, history, educational systems, Youth Policy, youngsters` life style etc;
20%- information work- helping in the update of information at the web site of organisation, helping in the preparation of e- newsletter, participation in movie- making and cooperation with local media. They`ll learn how to prepare the short movies about their living in the local community.
10% - own ideas and projects of volunteers, also cooperation with other local organizations.
Non-formal education and intercultural learning dimension, through a clear definition of a learning plan for the volunteers-the volunteers will work and live within multicultural team and this will give them an opportunity to increase personal knowledge about various cultures and raise a sense of respect and honour towards cultural and human diversity, improve their level of tolerance and understanding. The learning plan for the volunteers will be developed and during the realization of this plan the volunteers will see the changes in themselves and analyze them with the project coordinator.
Attachments: 1. INFO_EVS.doc



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