PROJECT DETAILS (viewed 1620 times)

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Project title:I will be volunteer IV
Main theme for the project:Other
Project type:European Voluntary Service
The project starts:2015-3-14
The project ends:2016-3-1
Deadline for applications:2015-3-1
Group age (average):Not specified
Summary of the project:The volunteer will part of team our organization. He will work with us in our office and will participate on realizing activities and events. Every new person in our organization is very importan because he can bring new saw on our work. We offer wide space for own inciciative of volunteer.
Volunteer Activities will take place mainly in Cool club and hostel.
1. Activity:
To Cool Club usually come Youth in the afternoon. It is open every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. It offers for Youth alternative space for leisure activities in the area without cigarettes and alcohol. Each month the club has created own program (competitions, workshops, discussions, ...). The program is prepared by volunteers from club with cooperation their supervisor. Volunteers will be involved to the create programe and also to implementation of planning activities. In case interest we offer for volunteers space for own realization. They can prepared their own activity for young people in club.
Another part of the activities will take place in youth hostel. In our hostel besides accomodatin offer places for camps, teambuildings, conferences,… The group, which usually came whant to prepare some program for their free time. For example some outdoor games, energizers, teambuildings activities,… The volunteer will help with create of these activity.
Skils: The volunteer improve him organization skills, he can develop his creativity im many ways
2. Activity:
Next the hostel is a small carpentry shed. In case of interested, volunteer can learn a create wood furniture, doors, windows and anothere things from wood.
Skils: The volunteer can develop his manual skills. He will work with experienced carpenter. Volunteer can learn and try whole process production of furniture,…
3. Activity: Another part of the activities will take place in the office, especially in creating "Newsletter" (interesting information about youth opportunities, posibilities). Every month we make newsletter for young people from our region. Volunteer will colect information and create newslatter.
Skils: The volunteer get an overwiev about oportunities for Youth in Slovakia but in European union, too.
4. Activity:
Volunteer will present his country and his EVS in Cool club, in schools,…
Skils: Volunteer improve their communication skills and self-prezentation
5. Activity:
Volunteer will have posibilities make education activities in him mother tongue, English, or in anothere language which he know (converzation in foreign languages with unemployees, to increse their chance find a work, „Conversation clubs“ for Youth in „Cool Club“,…)
Skils: Volunteer learn how to work with small group.
6. Activity:
Volunteers will also be involved in the preparation of regular and irregular public events (job fair, urban public games, birthday of Cool Club ...).
Skils: Volunteer will learn how work in team, he can improve organization skills. If he will interested in he can try markting and promotional activities, which are necesary to successfull realizing of event.
Volunteers will be supported by their supervisor in the work area and of course volunteer will have personal support by mentor. Together they will create a team who will focus on personal development and support for volunteer.
Special considerations:



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  • Association of Youth Workers
    organisation / association
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  • Bilgehan Olgun
    organisation / association
    Turkey, İstanbul

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    India, Tamilnadu ,chennai
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    until: 2016-1-1
  • Volunteers for Refugees
    Turkey, Sanliurfa
    from: 2016-5-1
    until: 2016-2-28
  • European Youth Week - NGO Fair
    Bulgaria, Sofia
    from: 2016-1-1
    until: 2016-1-1



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