Summary of the project: | Brief description of the project
Kind of EVS: group project for several activities
Place: the project will take place in the day -care center for rehabilitation and social integration of children with disabilities and the mobile cabinet working with people dependant on psycho- active substances of Caritas, in Sofia.
Goals: Тhe project is targeted at the inclusion of three volunteers from the EVS. Two of them will be working with disabled children in center “Annunciation” and the third one in the mobile cabinet- ambulance of Caritas for drug-addicted people, as both activities will be carried out in Sofia. The project is aimed at supporting the rehabilitation and social integration of children with disabilities and also assisting the work of Caritas with drug- dependant people.
The activities with disabled children will be as follows: in accordance with their abilities and experience, the volunteers will be included in the specialized activities like kinesitherapy, psychotherapy, special pedagogy, work and art-therapy and they will help in the daily services for the children- nurturing, moving and dressing.They will be involved in the performance of the daily activities like cooking, maintenance of the yard, gardening, floriculture; organization of outings, social and sport initiatives; engagement during festivals, exhibitions, bazaars;attendance to cultural events, museums and places of entertainment; organization of the free time of the children; participation during other events like artistic and musical evenings.
The activities in the mobile cabinet will be as follows: visiting on spot the places where the drug- dependants receive medical manipulations and psychological consultations, assisting the work of the specialists like: preparation of the mobile cabinet for for terrain work, distribution of packages and drinks to the addicts, supplying with medications and consummables; registering the dependants in the attendance sheet, assisting the nurse, distributing informational brochures and other materials.
In the beginning the volunteer will help in the preparation and distribution of coffee, tea, waffles, bags. Thus he/she will begin to make his/her first contacts. At the same time he will look how the dependents are registered in the attendance sheets (code, substance, time and method of use, etc.) and will subsequently take over that activity.He will also be of help to the nurse, by giving her bandages and will distribute informational materials to the addicts.
Тhe mutual exchange of experience and knowledge in the work with the clients will enrich on personal, cognitive and social level the volunteers, specialists and clients who work in the respective spheres. This on one hand will contribute to the improvement of the psycho-physical state and the social inclusion of the children with disabilities; and on the other it will raise the public awareness about the problem of drug addiction and will contribute to the process of combating drugs.
Duration: We envisage that the project will last for 15 months and the activities for 12 months.
Number of participants: 3 volunteers
Participants: Caritas Bulgaria and the SO
Working hours: The volunteers are expected to work for 30 hours per week, i.e. 6 hours from Monday to Friday.