In the frame of the Youth in Action programme, Tunceli Belediyesi (Tunceli Municipality) - Turkey in cooperation with Europa Levante association - Italy is searching for partners for a 3.1 project “Training and Networking” of youth associations
Title of the project
Youth Active for rural and local employment: European citizenship and non formal education, a resource for all!
Networking pilot project
Tunceli, 9-20 June 2011
Brief description
Youth Active for rural and local employment: European citizenship and non formal education, a resource for all! will be a training and networking meeting of young people coming from local and rural areas of different countries which will focus on “how youth involvement and active citizenship can play a key role, also in local and rural areas, to create employment, training opportunities, social inclusion, education and a strong contribution to the European society”. Youth associations and informal groups of Tunceli, even the fact that Turkey is still not member of Eu, want to contribute to the promotion and implementation of the Youth in Action policies, priorities and actions starting from the local area, where, all that Europe is making for Integration, Intercultural dialogue, Inclusion and better quality of life is still not known among young people. This project will aim to create a first base for the development of a network for youth who are part of “local communities in Europe”.
Who can be partner
Youth associations or informal groups of young people coming from Sud Oriental Europe
Sud Oriental Europe (priority)
Albania, Bosnia e Herzegovina, Croazia, Ex Repubblica Yugoslava di, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia
Europe (27 Eu Members) + Islanda Liechtenstein Norvegia
What the candidate partner has to do
1. Send a mail describing the group/association (mission and aims) and the motivation in taking part in the project;
2. Propose a contact person (with all details: mail, mobile, skype contact) who will be in charge of maintain the communication with the organizers until the end of the project. This person has to be reliable, English speaker (minimum standard to communicate) and organized;
3. Send the attached part III (partnership agreement) by mail in scanned version or by fax to the number 0039 0697845547 fulfilled in ALL the parts (A-B-C), signed and stamped by the president or legal representative (or similar person role). After receiving the confirmation by the organizers, the original document has to be sent by post to EUROPA LEVANTE, Via Eduardo Jenner 86, int. 17, 00151 Roma Italy
Future steps
Europa Levante is in charge of the coordination of the project at international level. If approved their candidature or not the candidate, partners will receive a confirmation by mail as soon as possible.
Tunceli Belediyesi, local coordinator and hosting organization, will present the project to the European Commission by the 1st of February 2011. If approved and financed by the Youth in Action Programme the preparation of the activity will start from the 1st of May 2011. Preparation will be managed by mail among contact persons/representatives of the association/informal group. From 9 to 20 June 2011 each partner will be asked to send a group composed by a team leader and 2-4 participants (young people between 18 and 30 years old). Participants have to be prepared before the meeting by the leader, preparation will be guided by Europa Levante.
Financial condition
The project will cover board and lodging for all participants and 70% of travel costs (the maximum amount will be communicated after the approval of the project)
Deadline for submission of candidature and partnership agreement (attached partIII):
15th December 2010
To the mail
Contact person for any kind of questions: Erika Gerardini