Summary of the project: |
in the frame of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme
Life Long Learning Programme
DG Education and Training of the European Commission
Leonardo da Vinci Programme enables organisations in the vocational training (education) sector to work with partners from across Europe, exchange best practices and increase their staff’s expertise.
Vocational training helps young people to gain new skills, knowledge and qualifications. The programme also boosts the overall competitiveness of the European labour market.
Innovation projects aim to improve the quality of training systems by developing and transferring in practice innovative policies, applications, working methods, materials and procedures.
The Liceo Scientifico Statale “E.Majorana” of Latina is searching partners for a vocational training project called:
Students Online:
Smart challenges for an Inclusive Communication and Journalism in Europe
deadline 18th January 2011
“Students Online” aims to give the opportunity to High Schools young students of (16-18 years old) to live an intercultural and training experience in the field of Journalism and Communication in editorial offices, communication agencies, foundations or associations which publish newspapers, pubblications, magazines and work in the field of communication.
Who can be a partner
Newspapers, TV, Radios, editorial office, communication agencies but also
schools, youth associations, associations in general, foundations, local institutions
from EU Countries (27)+Turkey-Croatia-Norway-Liechtenstein-Island
engaged in adult education and ready to involve themselves in a 2- year project
The project will last during two years from 2011 to 2013.
Partners will be in charge to carry out the following tasks as mentioned in the LLP Program:
to receive the participants and arrange the accommodations for a maximum stay of 3 weeks.
To provide language training (15 hours of General English and 15 hours of English concerning journalism) and cultural preparation (outdoor visits)
to provide work placements in appropriate business organizations: newspapers, radio and TV stations, on-line newspapers. The working field will be in: communication and journalism.
To monitor the trainee experience and assess his/her results
to enhance trainee expertise and know-how in the specific subject
to collaborate with the sending organization during the preparation, evaluation, reporting and dissemination of the results
to undersign the quality declaration and certification
According to the Country, partners will receive a minimum grant of 450€ and a maximum of 600€ per students for a 3 weeks stage by the Liceo Majorana organization.
Organizational costs, preparation costs and travel costs will be in charge of the Project Coordinator “Majorana High School”.
It will be necessary to administrate the budget with the respective invoices to receive the reimbursement the established amount.
How to send the candidature:
send a motivation mail or letter with detailed description of activities and projects of the organization;
indicate clearly how many students you can host;
find, if possible, an hosting family or explain in a detailed way where they will be board and loadged ;
provide informations about the logistic of the workplace and which are the best means of trasportation from the airport, from home and from the city centre;
send the attached agreement document signed and stamped by the legal representative/the president or the director:
by mail in scanned version to:
in original to:
Liceo Scientifico Statale “E.Majorana” Via Sezze - 04100 LATINA
to the kind attention of the Professor Paola Cerocchi